People have been asking him for it…
And now it’s finally here…
Introducing the brand new Ho’oponopono Certification Program by Dr. Joe Vitale.
The most in-depth, complete, immersive training on the deeper secrets behind and beyond his best-selling books, Zero Limits and AT Zero.
It’s waiting for you here:
Ho’oponopono Certification Program
Once you gain access, you’ll discover raw footage of Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len sharing secrets never before released to the public.
- Joe Vitale
- Mathew Dixon
- Dr. Hew Len
And you will have access to even more information, secrets, advanced thinking, and much more.
Secrets that bring you to “zero.”
Secrets you can only get here:
Ho’oponopono Certification Special Offer…
The Power of Modern Ho’oponopono
As you’ll discover through guided step-by-step lessons, Modern Ho’oponopono takes the ancient Hawaiian healing practice one-step further, unlocking an ability to heal both yourself and others, by simply cleaning away your own memories, erasing the data of the mind, and allowing multi-dimensional light into the conscious and subconscious mind.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Dr. Vitale will show you how the modern Ho’oponopono healing process can be embraced though remote and in-person practice with patients.
You’ll discover real-world evidence of Modern Ho’oponopono’s remote healing power and properties.
With Modern Ho’oponopono, you can take 100% control of your life!
Certification Course Description
During the 6 hours and 40 minutes of video included in this course, you’ll learn to clear yourself and others of limiting beliefs through the power of Ho’oponopono.
As you learn to clean the data of your memories, mind, and limiting beliefs, you’ll bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious, overcoming stress, emotion, pain, and overwhelm as you develop key skills required to connect to a dimension of nothingness (“zero”) where inspiration flows freely.
Guided exercises, step-by-step application lessons, dozens of examples of how you can use Ho’oponopono in your life and with others, in-person and remotely will solidify your learning experience.
Your experiential foundation will be a guide for your certification exam. Upon completion of the course, you can take the test/essay online to become a certified Ho’oponopono practitioner.
Eliminating the Control of Past Beliefs and Memories
Ho’oponopono practice cuts to the core of limiting belief elimination.
You’re going to learn to help yourself and help others rid their minds of the past beliefs and memories holding them back, unlocking new doors of opportunity and inspiration.
During the cleaning process and by returning to zero, Ho’oponopono allows us to discover a new awakening. For many, it’s a spiritual and divine experience, unlocking new purpose, and control in life.
Using Ho’oponopono, you can overcome these limiting beliefs quickly and easily.
More Information and to Enroll in your Ho’oponopono Certification Program and get instant access to a 42-page eBook and 8 videos totaling over 6 hours.